Focussing where we have competitive advantage

Our long history and relationships

We will focus on sectors where we have a competitive advantage based on our long history of investing, our depth of understanding and our relationships.

  • Real estate
  • Energy
  • Late stage private equity

Working with outstanding management teams

  • Reputation and experience in their sector
  • The ability to access exceptional opportunities
  • To execute those opportunities and deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns

At the smaller/medium end of their respective sectors where pricing inefficiencies allow attractive entry pricing.

Assets will likely to require a level of management attention which larger funds and pure financial investors are less able to support.

Influence and information

  • Controlling, or influential minority positions with board or investment committee representation
  • Full information rights


James Wilson

Peter Harvey

Graham Stedman

Robert Rayne

Nicholas Friedlos

Core Team

Nicholas Friedlos

Gary Cresswell

Caroline Howard

Chris Garrod

Retirement Living

Chris Dancer

Roger Davies

Karl Hallows

Aimee Fraser


Bernard Duroc-Danner

Thomas Bruni